2020학년도 재학생 적용
학년 | 학기 | 학수구분 | 과목명(영문) | 학점/강의/실험 |
1 | 1 | 전필 | 전공실기 1(Individual Instruction in Major 1) | 2-0-2 |
창극 1(Korean Opera 1) 한국음악관현악 1(Korean Music Orchestra 1) 예술기획및세미나 1(Arts Planning and seminars 1) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 서양음악개론 1(Introduction to Western Music 1) **한국음악개론 1(Introduction to Korean Music 1) 한국전통성악실습 1(Korean Traditional Song Exercise 1) |
2-2-0 2-2-0 1-0-2 |
2 | 전필 | 전공실기 2(Individual Instruction in Major 2) | 2-0-2 | |
창극 2(Korean Opera 2) 한국음악관현악 2(Korean Music Orchestra 2) 예술기획및세미나 2(Arts Planning and seminars 2) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 서양음악개론 2(Introduction to Western Music 2) **한국음악개론 2(Introduction to Korean Music 2) 한국전통성악실습 2(Korean Traditional Song Exercise 2) |
2-2-0 2-2-0 1-0-2 |
2 | 1 | 전필 | 전공실기 3(Individual Instruction in Major 3) | 2-0-2 |
창극 3(Korean Opera 3) 한국음악관현악 3(Korean Music Orchestra 3) 예술기획및세미나 3(Arts Planning and seminars 3) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 연주 1(performance 1) 가야금악곡분석 1(Analysis of Kayageum Composition 1) 단소악곡분석 1(Analysis of Danso Composition 1) 거문고악곡분석 1(Analysis of Komungo Composition 1) **서양음악사 1(History of Western Music 1) 민속악연주기법분석 1(Techniques of Folk Music Performance 1) 한국음악총론 1(Korean Music Theory 1) 클래스피아노 1(Class Piano 1) 한국음악시창·청음 1(Sight Singing & Ear Training of Korean Music 1) 사물놀이연행론 1(theory of Samulnori 1) 한국전통연희 1(Korean Traditional Performing Arts 1) |
1-0-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 1-0-2 1-0-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 |
2 | 전필 | 전공실기 4(Individual Instruction in Major 4) | 2-0-2 | |
창극 4(Korean Opera 4) 한국음악관현악 4(Korean Music Orchestra 4) 예술기획및세미나 4(Arts Planning and seminars 4) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 연주 2(performance 2) 가야금악곡분석 2(Analysis of Kayageum Composition 2) 단소악곡분석 2(Analysis of Danso Composition 2) 거문고악곡분석 2(Analysis of Komungo Composition 2) **서양음악사 2(History of Western Music 2) 민속악연주기법분석 2(Techniques of Folk Music Performance 2) 한국음악총론 2(Korean Music Theory 2) 클래스피아노 2(Class Piano 2) 한국음악시창·청음 2(Sight Singing & Ear Training of Korean Music 2) 사물놀이연행론 2(Theory of Samulnori 2) 한국전통연희 2(Korean Traditional Performing Arts 2) |
1-0-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 1-0-2 1-0-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 |
3 | 1 | 전필 | 전공실기 5(Individual Instruction in Major 5) | 2-0-2 |
창극 5(Korean Opera 5) 한국음악관현악 5(Korean Music Orchestra 5) 예술기획및세미나 5(Arts Planning and seminars 5) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 연주 3(performance 3) **한국음악사 1(History of Korean Music 1) **장단실기및반주법(Korean Traditional Rhythm & Accompanying) **화성학(Harmony) 컴퓨터음악 1(Computer Music 1) **민요연구및선율구조론 1 (Study of Folk Song & its Melodic Structure 1) |
1-0-2 2-2-0 2-1-2 1-0-2 1-0-2 2-2-0 |
2 | 전필 | 전공실기 6(Individual Instruction in Major 6) | 2-0-2 | |
창극 6(Korean Opera 6) 한국음악관현악 6(Korean Music Orchestra 6) 예술기획및세미나 6(Arts Planning and seminars 6) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
전선 | 연주 4(Performance 4) 공연예술기획·제작및시연(Planning․Production and Demonstration in Performing Arts) **한국음악사 2(History of Korean Music 2) 판소리고법 (Pansori Gobub) 무속음악연구 (Study of Shamanism Music) 컴퓨터음악 2(Computer Music 2) 민요연구및선율구조론 2(Study of Folk Song & its Melodic Structure 2) **국악교육론(Korean Traditional Music Education) |
1-0-2 3-2-2 2-2-0 2-1-2 2-1-2 1-0-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 |
4 | 1 | 전선 | 전공실기 7(Individual Instruction in Major 7) | 2-0-2 |
창극 7(Korean Opera 7) 한국음악관현악 7(Korean Music Orchestra 7) 예술기획및세미나 7(Arts Planning and seminars 7) | 1-0-2 (택1) |
판소리연구 1(Study of Pansori 1) 국악교수학습방법(Teaching Method of Korean Traditional Music) **한국음악지휘법 1(Conducting of Korean Music 1) 동양음악개론(Instruction to Eastern Music) 한국창작음악분석및실습(Analysis & Practice of Korean Creative Music) 국악교육프로그램개발(Education Program Development of Korean Traditonal Music) 한국음악사설연구(Study of Words in Korean Vocal) |
1-1-0 2-2-0 2-1-2 2-2-0 2-1-2 2-2-0 2-2-0 |
2 | 전선 | 전공실기 8(Individual Instruction in Major 8) | 2-0-2 | |
창극 8(Korean Opera 8) 한국음악관현악 8(Korean Music Orchestra 8) 예술기획및세미나 8(Arts Planning and seminars 8) |
1-0-2 (택1) |
판소리연구 2(Study of Pansori 2) 한국음악감상및비평(Korean Music Appreciation and criticism) 한국음악지휘법 2(Conducting of Korean Music 2)> |
1-1-0 2-2-0 2-1-2 |
** 는 교원자격 취득을 위한 기본이수과목 및 교과교육영역임