학년 | 학기 | 학수 구분 |
과 목 명(영문) | 학강실 점의습 |
1 | 1 | 전필 | 전공실기 1(Major Practice 1) 발레/신체분석(Ballet/Body Analysis) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택 1) |
전선 | 공통실기 1(Common Practice 1) 발레/필라테스(Ballet/Pilates) 컨템포러리무용/커머셜댄스(Contemporary Dance/Commercial Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (전공 이외 택2) |
공연실습 1(Performance Practice 1) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
세계무용사(Dance History) 무용상해및예방(Dance Injuries and Prevention) |
2-2-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 전필 | 공연실습 2(Performance Practice 2) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 2(Major Practice 2) 발레(Ballet) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
전선 | 공통실기 2(Common Practice 2) 발레/커머셜댄스(Ballet/Commercial Dance) 컨템포러리무용/커머셜댄스(Contemporary Dance/Commercial Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (전공 이외 택2) |
한국무용사(History of Korean Dance) 컨템포러리무용의역사(History of Contemporary Dance) |
2-2-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 1 | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | 공연실습 3(Performance Practice 3) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 3(Major Practice 3) 발레/필라테스(Ballet/Pilates) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
전선 | 공통실기 3(Common Practice 3) 발레/커머셜댄스(Ballet/Commercial Dance) 컨템포러리무용/실용무용(Contemporary Dance/Commercial Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (전공 이외 택2) |
무용감상및비평(Dance Appreciation and Criticism) 무용음악의이해와제작(Understanding & Producing Dance Music) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 2 | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | 공연실습 4(Performance Practice 4) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 4(Major Practice 4) 발레(Ballet) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
전선 | 공통실기 4(Common Practice 4) 발레/커머셜댄스(Ballet/Commercial Dance) 컨템포러리무용/실용무용(Contemporary Dance/Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (전공 이외 택2) |
동작분석과표현(Analysis & Expression of Movement) 춤과인문학(Dance & Humanities) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |
3 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 3 | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | 공연실습 5(Performance Practice 5) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 5(Major Practice 5) 발레/무용지도법(Ballet/Dance Education) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
무용 레퍼토리 1(Dance Repertory 1) 인지발달과 예술교육(Cognitive Development and Arts Education) 즉흥(Improvisation) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-3-0 (택1) |
전선 | 무용교육론(Dance Pedagogical Theory) 무용과매체(Dance & Media) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 4 | 0.5-0-1 | |
전필 | 공연실습 6(Performance Practice 6) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 6(Major Practice 6) 발레/유아발레지도법Ⅰ(Ballet/Kids Ballet EducationⅠ) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
무용 레퍼토리 2(Dance Repertory 2) 스마트무브Ⅰ(Smart MovesⅠ) 움직임리서치(Movement Research) 한국무용 (Korean Dance) |
3-3-0 (택1) |
전선 | 예술마케팅과창업(Arts Marketing and Start-up) 무용교수학습방법(Dance Teaching and Learning Method) 무용안무법(Choreography Method)) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
4 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 5 | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | 공연실습 7(Performance Practice 7) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
전공실기 7(Major Practice 7) 발레/유아발레지도법Ⅱ(Ballet/Kids Ballet EducationⅡ) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
무용 레퍼토리 3(Dance Repertory 3) 스마트무브Ⅱ(Smart MovesⅡ) 안무실습(Choreography Workshop) 한국무용 (Korean Dance) |
3-3-0 (택1) |
전선 | 무용세미나(Dance Seminar) 무용미학(Dance Aesthetics) 무용교육프로그램개발(Dance Education Program Development) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 6 | 0.5-0-1 | |
전필 | 전공실기 8(Major Practice 8) 발레/유아발레지도법Ⅲ(Ballet/Kids Ballet EducationⅢ) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
2-0-4 (택1) |
무용 레퍼토리 4(Dance Repertory 4) 스마트무브Ⅲ(Smart MovesⅢ) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용 (Korean Dance) |
3-3-0 (택1) |
전선 | 공연실습 8(Performance Practice 8) 발레/스마트무브(Ballet/Smart Moves) 컨템포러리무용(Contemporary Dance) 한국무용(Korean Dance) |
3-2-2 (택1) |
예술놀이와감각만들기(Artistic Play and Sense Making) 무용기획제작및시연(Planning․Production and Demonstration in Dance) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |